Thursday, April 16, 2015

What is Arduino?[In Simple Language]

  • It is basically a simple microcontroller board in which code(program or sketch) is written on it based on our requirement.
  • There are many different boards available,out of which Arduino UNO board is mostly used as it is simple and easy to use for beginners.
    •                                              ARDUINO UNO BOARD

The Arduino Uno is a board based on the ATmega328 microcontroller operates at a voltage of 5V .It consists of           

  1. 14 DIgital I/O pins(6 can be used as PWM output)
  2. 6 Analog input pins
  3. SRAM=2KB
  5. Flash memeory =32KB(Bootloader uses 0.5KB)
  6. 16 MHz clock speed ceramic resonator,
  7. Voltage regulator with 5V Output
  8. USB connection,
  9. Power jack,
  10. ICSP header, and
  11. Reset button.

  • It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get it started.
  • In order to burn(write a code on) the microcontroller,arduino software should be installed in computer.
  • The Arduino programming Integrated Development Environment(IDE) software is used for coding which supports for C and C++ programming languages.
  • This IDE converts the program into machine language or microcontroller understandable language.
  • Once the program is loaded into the board through computer,arduino will perform the task specified in the program.